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Santa Parade

My niece, Katie, was in a parade today with her Cheer Team.  She had a lot of fun and we had a lot of fun watching her.  Kayden did so well standing there watching everyone go by.  He did really well and had so much fun.  He just kept waving at everyone and got excited when he saw the different floats.  It was cute.

We really got lucky with the weather.  It was COLD, but it wasn't raining and the sun was out, so we were happy.  Doesn't get much nicer around here this time of year.

Here are some pictures of our day.

We took Monkey with us, and of course he had to have a jacket too.

My nephew, Collin

My niece, Ashlie, Kayden and Monkey.

Katie is the one on the right.  Because of where she was standing I had a hard time getting a good picture of her.

It was so cute, Kayden just went up to Ashlie and hugged her and held on to her for a few seconds.  It was such a nice gesture.

I had no idea mules could get so big.  They were huge.

And a Santa Parade isn't over until Santa Clause passes by. 

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