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Ashlie & Katie's Dance Recital

We had a busy Father's Day weekend.  Friday night Ashlie had her ballet recital, she did such an awesome job!  The Dance Studio she goes through has a TON of different classes and dance styles, so the recital was SUPER long, but well worth it.  Ashlie had such a fun time and did such an  awesome job.  As she was walking off stage she was waving  to everyone.  Too cute. 

Ashlie is the leader!

After the recital was over we headed over to McDonald's for ice cream.  It was a fun night!

Then on Saturday it was Katie's turn.  She was in cheer this year and really enjoyed it.  She was one of the few who got to be in the pyramid and she thought that was way cool.  Her recital was a little earlier, ok a lot earlier than Ashlie's so I took Kayden to this one and he did AWESOME!  He just sat in his chair the whole time and watched all the acts.  The people sitting behind us had a young boy too and they gave Kayden a yellow glow stick.  I it was very nice of them to share with Kayden.  And Kayden absolutely loved playing with the glow stick in the very dark auditorium. 

We went out to ice cream after Katie's recital also, but I didn't get any pictures of that!  :(  It has been a busy weekend, but a fun one!  We hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend and Father's Day!

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