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Mommy & Me Crafts

Every Tuesday at the Ben Franklin in Bonney Lake is a Mommy and Me Craft Day!  It is a lot of fun and Kayden and I tend to go often.  Well, today I took Charlie with us since she is now out of school and Katie went too, along with her friend, Marin. 

Kayden absolutely LOVED Marin.  He says she is his girlfriend!  Yikes!  He followed her around everywhere, wanted to hold her hand, sit by her and give her hugs.  He even wanted her to ride in our truck!  It was all too cute and I loved watching every minute of it!

I wasn't able to get too many pictures today because I was pretty involved helping out and it was a little crazy with all the kids, but I was able to capture a few.

This is Marin.  I'm sad I didn't get a better picture of her!  She is super cute!

I regretfully forgot to get a picture of each of the kids with their finished project!  :(  Hopefully next time I will be able to! 

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