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Dinner at the Beach

Kyle texted me earlier this afternoon and asked if I wanted to go to the Fish Bar at Redondo for dinner with the kids (we have Katie all week).  Anytime I can get out of cooking I happily agree, so once Kyle got home we packed the kids up and drove the 7 minutes to Redondo.  I love that the beach is so close, but I also wish it was a bit bigger!  It is a pretty small one, but usually works well for short amount of time that we go there!

Here is a picture of Katie and Kayden while we waited for our dinner.  Katie must be a good influence on Kayden because he actually looked and smiled for the camera!  That doesn't happen too often!

After dinner we headed over to the beach.  The tide was in pretty far so there wasn't much room to play, but you know kids, they make the best out of any and everything!

Kayden had fun throwing rocks in the water while Katie had fun jumping waves.  It was fun to see them both content as could be!

We had a relaxing, fun time at the beach and look forward to many more visits to Redondo!

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