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Ocean Shores

Last weekend we went to Ocean Shores with some friends.  It was way too cold for us to spend too much time on the beach, but we were able to get out there and enjoy a little bit of time.  My niece, Katie went with us and she really had a good time.  There was another girl there, Angelina, that was about her age, so they stuck pretty close to each other and played.  They had fun taking care and entertaining the little ones. 

It was so fun to watch the kids, they just have fun in whatever they are doing.  It didn't matter that it was freezing outside, they were just happy to be playing on the beach and in the sand. 

Here are some pictures of Kayden.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to get too many because of the weather, we just weren't out there very long!  :(

The sand ate Kate's feet!

This was my favorite picture of Kayden from the weekend!

This is my favorite picture of Katie from the weekend!
And yes, that is very much a pony tail in Kayden's hair.  I was doing Katie's hair that morning and he decided he wanted a pony too, so I put one in and he left it that way all day! 

Katie got super cold because while she was wave jumping one came up a little too forceful and knocked her on her behind!  Luckily I had a change of clothes, but she was pretty cold after that and had a difficult time warming up.

It was a nice weekend, wish the weather would have been nicer.  On Sunday, after lunch, the kids wanted to drive on the beach, so before heading out of town we drove on the beach for a minute.  It was so foggy out there you could barely see in front of you, so we didn't stay on the beach for long, it was rather dangerous!  We plan on going next year and hope that the weather is a bit warmer!

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