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First Soccer Game

Yesterday I realized I never posted about Kayden's first soccer game like I said I was!  Oops.  So, here it is.

Kayden loved playing.  He wasn't aggressive with the ball at all, rather lagging behind and smiling all over the field instead.  When I asked why he didn't try and get the ball he told me, "The black team keeps taking it from me."  I told him he needed to protect the ball and keep it away from the black team, to which he replied, "but then they kick me."  It was then I realized I had never explained the purpose to shin guards, so I took the opportunity then to explain.  He was then satisfied, but still didn't really go after the ball.  And I suppose it has to be a bit intimidating, a group on kids surrounding a ball and all their feet kicking about in hopes of making contact with the ball and getting it away from everyone else.  So I can't really blame the little guy for parading around the field with a perma-grin on his face just because, to him, it is fun being out there.

It was a fun game, loved watching Kayden prance around and having a great time, with no intent on kicking the ball or even getting a true understanding of the game.  And that is fine, I'm content with him having fun.  Score isn't kept at this level and there isn't even a goalie guarding the goal, so it is really an easy going game with fun as the main objective and I love that. 

Here is to a great soccer season.

 Kayden is the crouching on the ground, number four.  He really had an awesome time, I loved watching him!

Ok, I think I am officially caught up on the blog for now.  Kayden has a field trip coming up in the middle of October, so I'll have a post together for that. 

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