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Blowing Bubbles in the Rain

The other day Kayden was just being down right defiant and not following directions, all because I wouldn't let him have a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds when he already had eaten a hot fudge sundae for goodness sake!  After several warnings I finally took away tv until bedtime.  I had prepared myself for a rotten afternoon dealing with a four year old that was sure to throw another fit because I had taken TV away, and much to my surprise, he didn't really put up much of a fuss.  I was grateful for his acceptance of his punishment and his willingness to find other things to occupy his time.  So, when he asked if he could blow bubbles, I looked outside and hesitated because it was down pouring rain.  Then I realized, rain wouldn't hurt the kid, and he would probably have such a great time doing it.

So, I got him loaded up with shoes, coat and hood and set him out to have a grand time blowing bubbles in the cold, blistery, rainy afternoon. 

He really had a great time hovering inside the garage blowing bubbles into the wind!

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