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Snow Fun

We woke up this morning to a fair amount of snow, enough snow to have it last all day and not melt before noon.  And I'm so grateful and excited Kyle got to enjoy a snow day with us, not too often he can, so it was extra special today.  We had a blast in the white powder and made some ginormous snowmen and did so many fun things.

 First slide of the day.

After Kayden took a ride or two down the front lawn on his sled, he turned to me and said, "You want a turn, mama, I'll pull ya?"  I couldn't pass him up on his offer.

My view.
Dad had to step in and help, my ride was short.  Didn't take Kayden long to realize pulling isn't as fun as riding.

Then it was snowman building time.  The snow was perfect for building a big one, took no time at all.
And Kayden wanted a little head on this huge snowman.  So, that's what we/he did!

There's nothing like dumping snow on your own head! 
We were out there for several hours building snowmen, going on treasure hunts, playing with Charlie, Uncle and Auntie and some neighbors, taking a warm chocolate break at Nini and Papa's, and just having a good ol' time as a family in the snow.  We hope you had just as much fun in the snow, if you were lucky enough to wake up to some today. 

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