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A Very Hungry Caterpillar on the Loose

One of my closest friends has a little boy who is getting ready to celebrate a very special birthday, his first!  And for this extremely exciting upcoming birthday party, she is throwing a Very Hungry Caterpillar party and I couldn't be happier.  I love the idea of this party theme, and may or may not be a bit disappointed I didn't think of it for one of Kayden's.

So, for centerpieces for the party she wanted to post pictures of Parker "being the very hungry caterpillar" and asked for my help with this.  I would never dream of saying no to this awesome idea, so we set a date and got to work!

Parker wanted nothing to do with all the yummy fruit. Sad.  But, we still got some good shots of him, which, honestly isn't hard, since he is too stinkin' cute!

WARNING: Picture overload!






 It was a lot of fun to photograph this little guy.  Can't wait to see all the centerpieces, decoration and cake (which Christy is making).  And I especially can't wait to celebrate this little guy!

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