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Kayden is a fisherman, he loves it, and I hope he always does.  There is no greater feeling than to see your child's eyes light up when talking about something he is passionate about. 

Last year we found out about the Old Fishing Hole's Fishing Experience put on by the Kent Community Center, I tried signing Kayden up, but successfully failed when I gave the lady Kayden's birthday, apparently their rule is the child needs to be four by the time of the event, to which, Kayden was only three.  So, I called and inquired about it a few months ago and after much confusion and uncertainty by the community center, I signed Kayden up for the first time slot, 7:30.

Friday night we prepared Kayden for getting up early, telling him he was going to be going fishing in the morning.  With our failed efforts of getting him to bed early, he wasn't too difficult to wake up the next morning.  We were fortunate enough to have decent weather, and because it didn't rain, I was able to take my camera for a few pictures!

 The director was asking the kids to raise their hand if they have been fishing before.
 Looking back to make sure we were still with him.

 His first and only catch.  Our volunteer was wearing a fish hat, that he let Kayden wear.

And his final catch.  He had so much fun fishing.  I just love watching him have fun.

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