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First Day of Preschool 2014/15

This week marked the first week of our new preschool.  Kayden has been really excited to go to school, and frankly, lately mom has too.  It has been a long, busy summer and we are all looking forward to getting back into a groove around here and back to a consistent schedule.

So, Kyle took Monday and Tuesday off to help see Kayden off to his first days of school.  It was great having dad there, and its something I wish he could do more often, but it just makes it that much more exciting when dad is able to go!

Upon picking Kayden up on Monday I learned that he had a great first day and didn't skip a beat, followed directions and was overall excited to be at school.  Of course, this felt good and encouraging since we have had our struggles with school in the past. 

I know we are only a few days in, but I feel like this might be a good fit for Kayden, and me.  I enrolled him in a co-op preschool where I volunteer one day a week, along with some other obligations throughout the year.  We have loved our new teacher also and the other parents seem great too.  We are hoping for a great year and don't see much that will stand in our way to successfully complete this school year with a smile.  So, hats off to a new school year!

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