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Kayden is Five!

We celebrated Kayden's fifth birthday on Saturday with a big fire truck party.  I have mixed emotions about his birthday.  Four has been hard, the defiance, talking back, stubborn and strong willed behavior needs to go, but he also can be so sweet and caring and concerned.  Out of the blue the other day he says, "you're a great mom", which may or may not have brought tears to my eyes as I have struggled with knowing how to parent him and his tantrums.  When asked if he likes to get his toys taken away he'll answer with, "yes", or if in the middle of an authority war I ask if he enjoys when I get upset with him, he'll answer, straight faced and with a hint of a grin, "yes".  So to moved to five and kiss fours goodbyes feels good and hopeful.  If we never relive another year like four, I will be one happy mama. 

So, lets discuss his birthday party.  I was happy and not happy about his birthday landing on a weekend.  It is kind of nice to enjoy two days celebrating this little guy, but that's ok.  It was great to have everyone here helping us celebrate him on his real birthday. 

Christy, of course, did an awesome job on the cake.  It tasted as good as it looks!  We have been sampling every part of this cake since his party and it's all delicious.

We had a family friend, Jenny, come to demonstrate and show the kids the gear.  It was a hit, the kids seemed to enjoy it, although a few were a little intimidated by the noise her equipment made.

I made most of the decorations.  

 These fire hydrants lined the entry way.

 This little ham loved the "fire truck wheels" mixed with dirt.  Delish.


Kayden enjoyed opening his gifts and loved playing with all his friends.  He is at a really fun age for birthdays and Christmas.

We are hoping for a great fifth year ahead, fingers crossed it is better than four.

And if you want to take a trip down memory lane, here is a list of his past birthdays.

Fourth Birthday
Third Birthday
Second Birthday
First Birthday

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