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Kayden's First Christmas

Kayden had an awesome first Christmas. Santa was nice to him and so were his grandparents, auntie's and uncles! It was a lot of fun. Can't wait for next year when he might understand the concept of opening gifts. If not next year, then definitely the following year. Kyle and I enjoyed our Christmas also. It was a lot of fun, we went to my parents house on Christmas Eve and had a lot of fun opening gifts and playing poker. I cashed out $19.00, almost the big winner of the night. My brother, Brandon, won the most with $23.00. Then on Christmas Day we went to Christy's house and had a good time there too. We had a nice dinner and then opened gifts. Once gifts were opened we played Catch Phrase, it's such a fun game, people really get into it. Have to say, the girls kicked the boys butt. :) Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and have a fun and safe New Year.

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