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Sleeping in his crib....well, sort of!

So Kayden slept in his crib for the first time yesterday during his naps. We had tried to get him to sleep in his crib Tuesday night, but he didn't like it so much, so I decided to put him in there during his naps and he didn't seem to mind it. Then last night we put him in there and he did really well, slept in it until 2:30 this morning, it's not the best situation, but it's progress nonetheless. We've got to start somewhere, right? I am hoping to get him in his crib full time by the time I go back to work, which is coming up way too fast. I'll be returning March 1! :( It's going to be a sad and difficult day.
Here are some pictures of Kayden in his crib and just some other random pictures. He's getting so big, almost four months and starting to giggle, it's too cute. He is such a smile monster and is a very happy baby! We couldn't have asked for a better baby!
There's also a picture of Kayden, Charlie and me on New Years Eve! Let's just say, neither Kyle, Kayden or I made it to Midnight! :)

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