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4 Month Check Up

Kayden had his 4 month check up today and he's doing well. He's getting so big, he's almost 15 lbs already and he's 27 inches. He's 95% for his height and 50% for his weight. The dr. says he has Psoriasis on his legs and back, so we've got to put hydrocortisone cream on it and if it doesn't clear up in a week or two we'll have to go to the dermatologist! The dr. also said his gums look inflamed and he'll probably be getting more teeth soon. :( I tell ya what, teething is no fun for him or us! The nurse said that Kayden is looking more and more like his dad, which is what so many other people are saying too! Other than that, he's doing well and growing like crazy. Hope all is going well for everyone!

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