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You're Never Going to Believe It!

I'll start with the most exciting news of all. I say that now because it is new and exciting for a parent to witness her child graduating to the next developmental stage, eventually, I am sure my opinion will change here in the next couple of days!
Kayden hit two milestones today! This evening I was preparing dinner and Kyle yelled at me to come watch Kayden, I glance over and see him crawling!!! That's right, crawling! I was so proud of him for finally accomplishing what he has been working so hard for the last couple weeks. He's been rocking back and forth, kind of moving his arms, but just couldn't figure out how to move his legs at the same time, until tonight. It is so exciting to witness these advancements, I just love it.
Then after dinner I went into his room to get him up from his nap and I walked into to see he had pulled himself up! Crazy, right? That is what Kyle and I thought. You could tell he was so proud of himself when I walked into his room, he was beaming from ear to ear, just wanting to shout, "look, mom, look what I can do!" It was very cute.
In addition to these milestones, we have also started introducing fruits and veggies. So far, Kayden loves peas, they are his favorite, but if you ask some, the peas have had some pretty weak competitors. He does not like green beans or pears. The first night we introduced green beans he ate two containers of them, which is equivalent to 5 oz. The next time we tried feeding them to him you would have thought we fed him something rotten! His first couple bites were his usual, the not so sure about this face, but then after about 3-4 bites he realized he doesn't like this stuff so much. He would take a bit, make the most adorable sour face and then start gagging, literally with tears in his eyes. It was pretty entertaining. I had to try one or two more bites to just make sure he didn't like them before throwing the container away. The dr's and magazines and whatnot recommend waiting a few days and trying the food he didn't like again. So, we did just that only to have the same result!
Then yesterday we tried pears, thinking he'd love them because they are sweat and all he has had at this point has been rice cereal, oatmeal, peas and green beans. So, we give him the first bite and he, again, makes his, I'm not so sure about this, face. Then after a couple bites he would shiver and make a funny sore face. Tried a couple more bites with no success, finally he just stopped opening his mouth all together and pretty much said, without saying it, forget you guys, you can't make me eat this stuff! Today we tried pears again, only to fail again. He wouldn't even open his mouth for the peas, thinking we were going to give him something else he doesn't like. Finally, I was able to get a few forced bites in him, where he then, recognized that these are peas and I like them. So, we finished off dinner with peas and a bottle! I hope as we introduce new foods, he doesn't dislike them all!!! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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