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Kayden's 8 Month Birthday!

Kayden turned 8 months today, it is crazy how big he is getting. I know I say that in every post, but really, it is difficult for me to grasp. It is just crazy how much he has developed and grown and there are still so many things for him to experience, it excites me. I love watching him explore and push himself to learn the next best thing. Some people think it won't be long before he walks, but I have a feeling it won't be soon, or maybe I'm just hoping! Kyle and I are still trying to adjust to him crawling. He is getting fast, which makes it difficult to leave the room because when you return you might not be able to find him where you left him. He loves trying to get the things he knows he isn't suppose to have and he can get sneaky about it. He waits for you to turn your back or leave the room, and bam, he is off. Some of his favorites are the tv remote, a phone, he isn't picky, he'll take the house phone or a cell phone. They are both fun after all, but no matter what it happens to be, it is absolutely more fun than his toys.
Well, I hope all is well with everyone, it is getting pretty late (late by a full time working moms standards), so I'd better head off to bed. Chat with you soon.

1 comment:

  1. ACE you litte monkey! Crawling all over and eatting peas...Great Sissy loves peas too. Besure to give mommy and daddy tummy kisses for me ok. Great Sissy loves you baby boy! :)
