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So, I have a little story to tell! Last night I was holding Kayden and all of a sudden I hear this teeth grinding noise, I like down at him and what do you know, Kayden has learned how to grind the four little teeth that he has. Not sure how we are going to break that habit, but anyway, so I calmly look at him and tell him not to do that. So, he looks at me, puckers his little lower lip out, lowers his head and starts bawling, as if I threw him across the room or pinched him or something. I mean, seriously over dramatic. Finally got him calmed down and he was fine for the rest of the night, but man, can we say DRAMATIC. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to post some updated pictures soon. Since Kayden has started crawling it makes it a little more difficult to leave the room to do things, you never know where he'll be when you return!

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