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It's Been a Rough Couple of Weeks

Hey there, sorry I didn't update you on how Kayden's 1 year check up went. It has been a little crazy over here lately. Kayden has his one year check up two weeks ago and the appointment didn't go so well. He didn't gain any weight, he actually lost a little, so now he is down to 20.6 lbs and is 30 inches. Grew three inches which is great, but the dr. was a little worried about his weight loss. So, she decided we should so some labs to check a few different things, including his thyroid, liver, vitamin levels, etc. The day of his appointment he got four shots, he didn't like that at all. I'm so grateful that he doesn't remember those! Anyway, the dr. recommended we don't get his blood drawn that day, he had had enough poking for one day, we should wait until the following day. So, we left the dr's office and were on our way home. The rest of the night was fine, Kayden was a bit cranky, but who wouldn't be after four shots. Luckily, he got over that by the next morning, unfortunately though, that was the day we had to take him in for his blood work. Thankfully, Kyle was able to go with me. He was leaving that afternoon for California. So off to the lab we go. We get there and get back to the little room and Kyle goes to sit in the chair with Kayden and instantly Kayden starts screaming and there is no calming him down. The technician goes for his right arm and tries to draw blood, but it isn't coming, so she pokes him again and again, and still nothing, so she moves onto the other hand and luckily that was successful. Poor little guy was still screaming. Once they were done, they put bandaids on his arms, but Kayden wasn't going to have any of that, he was going to show them, he rips off one bandaid and it takes some work to get another one on. So, anyway, that was that and now we are onto the next day, Kyle is gone and I'm home for the next four days by myself. That morning, Kayden wakes up with a cold. That sticks around for about a week and then he gets a growth on his leg, I keep an eye on it, looks like a clump of blisters, but doesn't seem to bother him, he doesn't cry, squirm, or show any other signs that it is uncomfortable, so I just leave it. Then last Thursday Cindy says Kayden's belly button looks a little red. Huh, really, I hadn't noticed. The next time I go to change Kayden's diaper I noticed! His belly button was super red and it was stinky. So, I called the dr. and made an appointment for the next morning. Yup, sure enough his belly button is infected and the dr has no idea what the growth on his leg is. So, she sends us home with a prescription for an antibiotic ointment. Got that filled and off to the house we go. Get home and everything seems fine, then Friday night he gets red spots all over his stomach. Kind of concerned, but not totally concerned. And now we are on Saturday morning and the red spots seem to have spread even more. They are now on the back of his neck a couple on his face. He isn't feeling well, he's cranky, he has three teeth coming in, he isn't eating and he just isn't really feeling well. So, we spend the day at home and the spots continue to get worse. By Sunday I am worried, so I have Cindy take a look at them and she recommends calling the 24 hours nurse. So, I did that, and the nurse couldn't really help me, she consulted the on call dr. and that dr. said to stop the medicine, although an allergic reaction to that specific ointment is rare, they aren't sure what the rash is from, so stop it from now and make an appointment first thing in the morning. So, Monday morning, we wake up and get an appointment. Go to the dr. for the third time in two weeks. She takes a look at the rash and says there isn't really anything they can do about it, it is just a viral rash, it isn't an allergic reaction to the medication (thank goodness). It should go away in 4-5 days and just like she said it would, it did. It is pretty much nonexistent now. So, that is what is going on with Kayden, being one is tough work. Hope everything is going well with everyone. Take care.

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