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Napa Trip

Hi there, everyone ready for the tricker treaters banging down their door tomorrow. It is such a fun holiday for the kids and adults alike!
Well, Kyle and I returned home from Napa, CA last Sun and I am just now getting a chance to update you on our trip and pictures. We had a great time. It was the perfect opportunity, Kyle had to go down for a class, so Kayden and I tagged along and visited Grandma Sally, Aunt Sissy and Uncle Charlie. We flew in last Wed and luckily Kayden was awesome on the flight. Kyle and I were both nervous, but he slept right threw it. It was perfect. Then Thur we all got up and Kyle headed off to his class while Kayden and I stuck around the hotel until Aunt Sissy picked us up. It was fun to see how much of the room wasn't child proof! LOL. So, once Sissy got there, Kayden and I were off to Napa. Unfortunately this time, though, Kayden did no sleep through the travels, he screamed pretty much the whole 1.5 hours to Napa. That was awesome! Poor Sissy, I felt bad, no one wants to hear a baby screaming, let alone for over an hour. It was stressful, but we made it. Got to Napa and had a great visit with Grandma Sally, Sissy and Uncle Charlie. Gram and I had a perfect opportunity to chat and have a good time. She showed me her craft room and her projects she has done and is currently working on. She also sent me home with some dish towels and Christmas decorations. Too cute.
Once Kyle's classes were over he made the long drive to Napa, too bad for him, it was Friday night traffic and it took him a little longer than 1.5 hours! But he persisted and finally made it. It was great to see him. So the rest of the weekend we just visited and enjoyed each others company. Gram turned me into a baseball fan, I know, can you believe it? Go Giants! They have currently one two out of the three games against the Rangers. Hopefully the Giants will win the next two games and be crowned World Series Champs!
While we were in Napa, Kayden experience his first pumpkin carving! Uncle Charlie grows pumpkins, so he decided it would be fun to carve one with Kayden. Kayden wasn't too into pulling out the guts of the pumpkin, but he sure did enjoy watching.
Well, Sunday came way too fast and it was time for us to get home. So, we left Napa, and boarded a plane. Kayden didn't sleep a wink this time, but he was perfect on the plane, he played, had fun with the window blind, who knew pulling the shade up and down could be so much fun and we read books. Once the plane landed, Kyle and I counted our blessings that we had another disaster free trip!
Here are some too cute pictures of our trip.

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