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Kids Day at Steel Lake

Our community center held a Kids Day at one of the lakes nearby so we thought we'd go and have some fun.  We'd never been before so we didn't know what to expect.  Kyle left early from work so we could go, Christy and Charlie joined us and we had a lot of fun.  They had a huge blow up slide and a bounce house, karaoke and craft projects, along with the everyday play ground.  It was a lot of fun. 

Kayden wasn't so sure about the big blowup slide, but after his first ride he was hooked.  He went down several times after that and loved every fall.  It was fun.

Here are some pictures of our day.

Girls wanted to go down with Kyle & Kayden

Kayden is terrified

Round two, Kayden had so much fun he wanted to go again

See all the ear-to-ear grins?

I think he liked it

Momma's turn to go down the slide

Had fun

Family Photo
Charlie singing

Yummy Slush-ee

I embarrassed him, he was going to eat a foam noodle so I stopped him and he got upset. Oops.

Good news though, the slush-ee is a cure-all

He loved the slush-ee, yum, cherry flavor

Charlie playing on the playground

The End

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