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The Courter's Christmas Party!

Yesterday we went to the Annual Friends and Family Christmas Party over at our friends house, The Courter's.  It is something we all look forward to each year and it is a ton of fun.  There is lots of food, sweets, conversation, and play.  Each family draws a kids name and that is who we are responsible for buying a gift for.  Austin, Kayden's Buddy, drew Kayden's name this year and he got Kayden a very cool book and truck. Kayden loved the truck, we had to open it right away!

It is fun to watch over the last 12 years how the families have grown.  It started out with just the adult children, then as couples got married it started getting populated with kids.  Now there are 7 kids total ranging from ages eight to two.

Ok, so enough talking, here are some pictures!

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