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Guess What Kayden Did Today!

I am so excited for Kayden.

This morning we were eating breakfast at the table and he decided to undressed himself.  This is a rather new thing, he likes to get totally naked and run around the house.  Ok, no big deal.  So, this morning when he got naked I figured I would just deal with it when we finished breakfast.  Well, before we got done he got down from his chair and ran over to grab his diaper (it was clean, he hadn't used it yet!).  I looked at him and asked if he needed to go potty.  He said yes and I asked if he wanted to go in the big boy potty and he said yes.  So we ran into the bathroom and I put him on his little potty.  He sat there and instructed me to go potty too.  So, I did and then he did!  He peed in the potty.  I was so excited for him and he was too.  I'm so happy to be entering this new phase with him.  I have been intimidated to start potty training, but I think he is telling me loud and clear that he is ready.  So, I guess we have started a new chapter.  Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.

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