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Tacoma Children's Museum

On Wednesday Kyle and I took Kayden to the Tacoma Children's Museum.  It is practically brand new, the new site opened in January, and although I can't compare the new site to the old one, I'm sure this one is way better.  They had so many fun things for the kids.  Kayden's favorite was the water station.  It was too fun and he threw a little fit when it was time to move on, but thankfully it was a pretty small one!  You never know these days, it is safe to say that we are currently in the terrible two's stage and can have many challenging days. 

Overall the museum was a lot of fun and Kayden had a blast.  He loved that he could run around and not get in trouble for touching things!

Now on to the real reason you stopped by, right, the pictures! 

Although you can't tell, this was a dark room, you could write on the walls with that flashlight thing he is holding.  He had fun with that, whatever he wrote on the walls would stay there for a few seconds then disappear so he could start all over.  It was really neat.

"Hello Nini, Ok, Love You, Bye!"

This thing is really cool.  Where the little girl is standing is an opening where you could put in felt balls and handkerchiefs, then they would fly through the different tubes, it was really cool.  Kayden really had fun with it.

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