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Kyle's Aunt and Uncle from Napa, CA came into town last Thursday along with their two boys from the East Coast.  They were here until Sunday and we all made the best of their time here.  Kayden absolutely loved having some new people to play with and didn't let many of them get away with just sitting on the couch.  He would motion them to sit on the floor with him and play with the remote control cars, blocks, etc.  It was fun to watch him make new friends with his cousins and interact with some people he doesn't really know.  Too cute.

Since, Kyle's Aunt, Mom, and Sister all have birthdays within a week and a half of each other so we decided to celebrate their birthdays together.  Charlie and Kayden decorated a cake and cupcakes for the party and we celebrated with gifts.  It was fun to be able to celebrate their birthdays together.  See what I made them here

Over the weekend Kayden initiated many play dates and poker games.  He would see the poker table set up and yell, "Poker".  He rounded everyone up to start the game.  It was cute. 

We all enjoyed the visiting and talking and relaxing.  All too much fun.  Can't wait to do it again....hopefully soon!

Christy was having a difficult time keeping her eyes open when I was taking her picture, seriously, I took probably ten and all ten her eyes were closed, so Charlie was helping her out!

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