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A New Bike!

A friend of Kyle's told him about these new bikes that have come out called, Strider bikes.  The purpose of them is to teach kids how to balance before they actually learn how to ride a real two wheel bike, so if you look close you'll see that this bike has no pedals!  Kayden was so excited to get it.  When we were ordering it, he couldn't decide what color he wanted.  He kept switching between yellow, or lellow, and blue.  Kyle made the executive decision and went with blue. 

When we got home from running some errands this morning the box was waiting for us.  Thankfully Kayden took the, "we'll have to wait until dad gets home" delay!  He was pretty excited for it too so I was happy when he didn't throw a fit because he wanted to open it.

Here are some pictures of Kayden riding his new bike. 

And here are some pictures of Kayden when he got tired of riding his bike!  He wanted to go for a ride on the hand truck.  How fun!

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