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Arts and Crafts

I had Charlie yesterday morning for a couple hours and because Kayden and Charlie were having a difficult time getting along lately I figured it would be a good day to get outside and do a craft project.  I was super excited about this one because I thought it would be fun for the kids.  Charlie ended up liking it, while Kayden wasn't so into it, which was fine, after all, he's two and having his attention on any one thing for an extended period of time is next to impossible! 

So, here are some pictures of the kids.

Once the paint dried I removed the vinyl letters and it revealed their names.  Kayden's didn't turn out that well.  The paint was too thick so it flaked off when I removed the vinyl.  I will have to try and make another one for him using different paint.  Charlie's turned out cute, unfortunately though, I didn't get any pictures of the final project.  I will have to try and get one later.

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