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Olympia Maritime Festival

Every Labor Day Olympia puts on a Maritime festival where you can go aboard tug boats and enjoy the street fair.  We just learned about it a month or so ago, a co-worker of Kyle's told him about it and so we thought it would be fun for us to go see what it was all about. 

Kayden really enjoyed it and it was fun for Kyle and me as well.  The weather was awesome, it wasn't until I got home that I realized I got a little sun burned!  Ooops. 

When we got there we started off with lunch.  I got a yummy pulled pork sandwich and Kyle got a corn dog.  Along with that we enjoyed a spiraled potato on a stick.  Kayden just munched on the spiraled potato on a stick!  He isn't much of an eater.  After lunch we let Kayden play on the playground for a minute before heading off to the boats.

There were a few fun boats and a few that I wouldn't want to go out into the water with, too scary!  Not sure why people think going out to sea in a boat that is decades upon decades old is a good idea!  Not for me.

This is a mini boat that I will explain below.

There some really cool boats there.  The above red, yellow and black one was one of my favorites.  Loved the cleanliness of it and the colors.  There also was a mini tug boat there.  It had an actual motor that was 13 horse power.  Kayden really liked that boat.  He kept saying, "I ride little boat" and would bring his thumb and pointer finder together so there was very little space between them.  It was cute. 

We had a really good time and Kayden did awesome.  He was so tired by the end of it that it didn't take long for him to fall asleep once we got in the car!

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