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Katie's First Day of 2nd Grade

My niece, Katie's first day of second grade was today.  I went out to take some pictures of her and to wish her a great first day back!  She was really excited to be back in school.  She is a girl who likes to stay busy so she can get a bit bored sometimes during the summer months.  It was fun to see her getting excited to go and happy to be back in the classroom atmosphere! 

Kayden has been really interested in school lately, well, for the last several months actually.  So, when we took Katie to school this morning we had to find a backpack for Kayden.  Luckily my mom had an extra one that was actually a bit on the boyish side, so Kayden was happy to wear it.  On our way out to the car after dropping Katie off at school he wanted to go in the school bus, luckily he was happy to just get his picture taken next to it instead. 
One day it will be Kayden's turn to start second grade and I CAN really wait for that day.  I'm very nervous at the thought of Kayden entering elementary school!  I know it will happen, I just don't want the day to come too quickly!

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