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First Day of Mommy & Me Preschool

Today was Kayden's first day of Preschool.  It is a mommy and me class which I think is really what will work well for him since he's never been in a daycare or school setting before. 

For the last week or two I have been preparing him for school.  Telling him that we will soon be going and that we are going to have so much fun.  Last night before bed I reminded him that we were going to be going to school tomorrow.  He looked at me with a little bit of concern in his eyes and said, "Mama, you come school with me'?  He let out a little sigh of relief when I said yes, like, ok, I can do this if mama is there. 

So, we got up this morning and ready to go, ahead of schedule.  YAHOO, I am happy we aren't running late.  Seems like no matter what class it is, we are always late to the first session, which is very unlike me.  I like to be on time and by on time I mean....early.  So, we are about three minutes away from preschool and Kayden asked where his backpack is!  Dang it, we forgot it at home.  I tried convincing him that we don't need it, but he insisted we go home and get it.  I knew Kayden was dying to carry a backpack to school, just like Charlie, Katie and Ashlie do, so I turned around and sped most of the way home.  And what do you know, I of course, hit every light yellow.  Not red, yellow.  So, we are sitting there in the car and I just keep glancing at the clock seeing it quickly move closer and closer to the time we need to be at school.  Finally get home, run inside, grab the backpack and hurry back to school.  Thankfully we made it within five minutes of class starting.  They were just getting ready to sit down to sing a song!  YAHOO, we made it.

Kayden did all kinds of things in school today.  He colored, sang songs, listened to stories, had recess outside.  Stamped and used scissors for the very first time.  We did a class activity which was color a snake then cut it out.  The cutting part was suppose to be reserved for parents, but Kayden thought he had the task down solid, so he wanted to cut it out. 

The teacher asked each parent what their goal was for their child while in class, what was the reason we were in preschool and then she prepared a homework assignment for each parent to work on with their child to achieve that goal.  Ours is to read to Kayden each day as if he was in school.  So, him sitting on the floor, looking at me and me reading to him, like a teacher would to a class.  For each book we read he gets a sticker.  Once the chart is full of stickers he can pick out a prize at school.  I am excited to start this.  I am ashamed to say that we have gotten into the bad habbit the last month or two of watching too much tv, so to get back into reading will only help us eliminate watching tv!

After preschool we went out to lunch.  He wanted macaroni and there is one place around here that has pretty good macaroni so we went there!  AND they have some pretty good chocolate milk, which I also got for him!  We had a great morning and look forward to going to school next week! 

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