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Relay For Life 2013

After Old Mc Debbie's Farm Kayden and I headed out to support my niece, Katie, during a Relay For Life event, which is an all night even where people walk around a school track as many times as they can in an effort to raise money for The American Cancer Society. 

Katie participated with her Girl Scouts Troop.  I'm not sure how much their "team" collected as a whole, but while I was there an announcement was made that over $40,000 was raised!!!  Awesome, right?

This is the way the event works, the sponsors prepared a booth at the high school, then sell different items to raise money for The American Cancer Society.  Each sponsor makes up a team, then the team raises money, individually and as a team, before and during the event.  In exchange for your donation, the kids pledged that they would walk as many laps as they can.  Katie did 52 laps, which equaled 13 miles.  She did awesome and I am proud of her.

Those who wanted to spend the night, could and those that didn't, didn't.  Katie did spend the night and she had a BLAST she told me.  She was up until 4:30 and loved every minute of it. 

So, here are some pictures I captured while I was there for the short two hours. 

 This is the only pictures I got of Katie, she was too busy socializing to worry about her old aunt. :)
 Ashlie and Kayden having fun together.
Home Depot was one of the sponsors and the table/booth they had allowed the kids to paint tiles.  Here is Kayden painting his tile for Daddy.

 They even had a professional DJ and a dancing stage.  Kayden was lovin' the stage.
Ben Franklin Crafts in Bonney Lake, where I often take Kayden to do Kids Crafts, had a booth there where you could pay to do a craft and Kayden chose to paint this star.  He was so focused on painting it.  I just love watching him be creative.
It was a fun experience and I'm happy Katie had such a good time.  She already told me that she IS doing it next year, and I can't wait to see how many laps she completes then!

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