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I have never really been one to make New Years resolutions, and when I have, they often fall by the waste side shortly after the first of the year.  However, this year I am hoping it is different, I'm hoping and wanting to do a blog post a week....of activities or daily habits Kayden and I take part in. 

I recently reviewed the blogs previous four years worth of posts and saw something I hadn't intended to happened, there were huge gaps in posts and that, my friends, was a little disappointing.  Big gaps that prevented me from sparking a memory of an activity or place we went.  Or simply, just what he looked like, how his hair was cut, or uncut, the roundness of his face or slimness of his face, how short or tall he was, and many other things.  So, this year, I'm hoping to include at least one blog post a week, whether it be a post on something significant or as simple as baking cookies, like we did today.  And if it wasn't for wanting to do a post a week, I probably wouldn't have lugged out my camera to take pictures.  So, I'm grateful for this New Years resolution, and I'm going to try my hardest to make this resolution last the whole year, and hey, who knows, maybe it'll continue on indefinitely!  Time will tell. 

So, here are the pictures from our simple activity from this week.

 I tried getting him to smile at me, but he wouldn't, so I settled for his smile profile.

And I do have to say, these are tasty cookies. Yum.  Enjoy your week!

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