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Emily's Birthday

A friend of ours just celebrated her fourth birthday, and they invited us to help them party-it-up, four year old style.  Which consisted of a bounce house and then running around at McDonald's Play Place, one of Kayden's favorite things to do.

Then we finished up the celebration with cupcakes at Emily's house.  It was a fun day and we are so glad Emily shared her birthday with us!

 The Birthday Girl

 Even the adults got in on the fun.  You can just see the fun in Emily's face.
 Dodge Ball

 Emily with her Mama and brother.

 Somehow Shelley always gets tackled by the kids!

 I tell ya, these three kids are becoming amazing friends.  Love watching them grow and learn together.
I didn't get any pictures at McDonald's, but rest assured they had fun!

Emily had her own version of a smash cake.  She was being silly and loving every minute of it.  Too cute, this girl!  Happy Birthday, Emily!

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