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Science Experiment

It's official, we have moved, and amongst all the chaos of unpacking, I still need to engage with Kayden and acknowledge his pleads to play.  So, when he was in the kitchen getting frustrated with me because I couldn't understand his desire to do a "science experiment", because he butchered the pronunciation of "science experiment", I held back my laughter and got the ingredients to make "Foam Dough".  Saw it on Pinterest, of course, and Kayden loved it. 

It was rather messy, so I'm glad I had enough sense to do it on the back porch. 

We had a great time, and although the original recipe called for food coloring, I'm glad I skipped it, it would have been way worse, and Kayden's clothes would have been destined for the trash!

His smile says it all!  We had a great day today, look forward to so many more great summer days ahead!

And on another note, we have a small bunny in our yard.  Was able to get a couple pictures of him today. 

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