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We Have News

Most of you already know Kyle and I bought a new house in Kirkland, but for those of you who don't, SURPRISE!  We are thrilled, and sad, all at the time.  We are sad to be leaving what we have, awesome family, who doubles as amazing neighbors, a great cul de sac, close friends and family as well as, many other things, however, it is time to move on to the next chapter in The Bryant Family book and move to Kirkland.  We are excited for the new adventures our new home will bring and mostly, look forward to having Kyle around more at night so we can spend more time together as a family.

To be able to eat dinner before seven o'clock, have Kyle around for bath time, which really does take two people most of the time, and cut Kyle's commute down by an hour will all have its amazing advantages.

Of course, we are sad to leave our current living situation.  Having family as neighbors can never be beat, watching Charlie continue to grow up and be able to make it to all her school performances has been an excellent privilege, as well as, being able to make it to Katie and Ashlie's school performances and not having it be too far away, it has all been great and awesome.

We have made fantastic friends around here and are sad that our weekly interactions with them will become more spread out, but we know Kyle can't continue to commute over an hour each way to work, we know we want Kayden to grow up in one school and not have to move districts mid-school career, and all of these reasons has made us realize the move is necessary. 

We have been searching for a home for a couple months now and are happy our search has ended.  We have spent one day every weekend for the last eight weeks or so dedicated to house hunting, looking at all the different neighborhoods, learning what is too far from work and what is close enough.  We also learned quickly that we will spend a lot of money on a smaller house, and that is ok, we have come to accept that.  We are a small family of three and don't need a ton of space.  We have been spoiled in our current house with all our extra space and will have to learn to live a little more organized and minimal.  The luxury of having space is coming to an abrupt halt, people!

Like I said though, we are excited for this new house and look forward to what it has to offer... more time as a family, a six mile commute, a great neighborhood, and a wood fire pizza oven in the backyard, the list goes on and on.

So, we told Kayden that we got the house with the wood fire oven in the back yard and he was excited...thankfully!


It took Kayden a while to come around to the idea of moving, but he is excited now.  We will let him pick which bedroom he wants as his and he will love the back yard and is already in love with the wood fire oven.

We got keys the other day and Kayden was the first to do the honors!

We will slowly move stuff up there, a truck load here, a trailer load there.  We have sold our house, thankfully, after only having it on the market for only three days.  We couldn't be happier that we can stay in our current home until Kayden finishes school and then we will make the final move up there at the end of the month.  This will also allow us to be able to slowly move stuff instead of focusing a whole weekend on moving everything.  We are grateful for the opportunity to move slowly and to transition over the period of a month.
Here are pictures of the new house, with the old owners furniture.  We liked their furniture, and asked if they were taking it all with them, they, of course, were! :(
 This is the "formal" living room aka the front living room.  I doubt it will be really "formal" in our house with a four year old running around, but hey, maybe one day.
 Another picture of the front living room.  You can see to the right is the kitchen, and behind that is the family room.

 Kitchen dining area.

 Through the kitchen is the laundry room, door to the garage and another bathroom.

 Family room

 Backyard and the pizza oven.  There is more to the backyard, just don't have a picture of it.  We are pretty excited about the pizza oven.  Intimidated, but excited nonetheless.
And there is the front of the house!  We love the whole house, red door and all, and are pretty excited about the new adventures and memories we will be making here.

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