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Whale Whatching

We did another whale watching tour and it was absolutely amazing!  Kyle and I have been on a few different tours and did the exact same tour last year with the same company and this trip far outshined any previous tour we had been on.  It was incredible.  We had one whale go under our boat, he was close enough to touch!  It was amazing.

We had the bee episode the day before, and on the whale watching tour Kayden was eating some chips and nudged his front loose tooth and it bled and bled and bled.  I literally had two wipes to my name, no napkins in reach and no people around me to ask for some.  Kayden was screaming, blood dripping down his chin and into his hand and I'm looking around for anything, anyone.  I couldn't get up because he was in my lap paralyzed from the blood.  Thankfully, Kyle appeared and saved the day!  Only to have it happen a second time an hour or so later!  I tried yanking the tooth out, but failed!  Got Kayden cleaned up finally, and it was pretty uneventful, as far as his tooth went, for the remainder of the tour, we did see lots more whales though! 

Kayden did finally lose his front, right tooth that night while eating oatmeal, of all things!

We saw a plethora of deer on this trip.  Kyle thought he would be able to feed one, so we stopped and let him get out to try.  He wasn't successful. 
I'll have another post soon.

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