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The Farm @ Swam Lake

Last Sunday, after we did family pictures, we decided to hit up "The Farm" in Snohomish.  Kayden and I went there last fall with Shelly and Blake, and I remember it being a lot of fun.  You can see the post about last years visit here.

We kinda went on a whim and invited some friends of ours to join us, Matt, Silvia and Emma. 

Here are some pictures from our trip. 
 Rubber Duck Races
 Orange blob bouncing.
Matt gifted Kyle a selfie stick and Kayden couldn't get enough of it.  Do you guys know how many years I've been struggling to get Kayden to smile for a picture, and all I needed to do was get a selfie stick!  Come on!

 Perfecting his angle.

 We went apple word, delicious! 'nuf said.

 And lastly we went pumpkin hunting. 

And not pictured: duck racing, pig racing, Kayden swung on a horse shaped tire swing, petting zoo, tractor ride and a large slide.  It really is an awesome farm, and reasonable priced to get in.
Yesterday Kayden came home with a field trip permission slip for this farm!  It's going to be a lot of fun!

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