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More Snow!

We woke up today to some more snow.  Not a ton more, but a new, light, covering, it looked so pretty.  So, I suited Kayden and myself up and went out to play.  We invited Charlie and Christy out to play too.  It was fun.  Since it wasn't snowing this time I was able to take my dslr camera out, instead of our point and shoot and was able to get some good shots.

We are having so much fun with the snow and they are predicting more tonight!  Lets hope it is enough to keep Kyle home tomorrow. 

I usually dislike the snow, I don't like how cold it is, hate how the world shuts down, at least here in Seattle, and I dislike being cooped up in the house, but since having Kayden and having the luxury of staying home with him, I don't seem to mind it as much.  I love seeing how much fun he has when he is out there playing in it and I love seeing how pretty everything looks with snow on top of it.  Being able to stay home and enjoy the snow is so nice.

Ok, so here is the real reason you stopped by, right?

Kayden and Charlie had fun eating the snow.  All they were missing was the flavored syrups!

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