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New Years

Hi there.  We hope everyone enjoyed their New Years, we sure did.  We were invited over to our friends house, it was a lot of fun. It was low key and mellow.  They got a new golden lab puppy for Christmas, and he is so cute!  Kayden wasn't so sure about him though, which is fine, maybe this way he won't be asking Santa to bring him a dog anytime soon! 

Our friends, Heather and Tommy, have two kids, their daughter is 4 and their son is 19 months and they were a lot of fun.  Heather and Tommy made cake pops for all of kids and kids at heart to decorate.  Kayden wasn't much for the decorating, but he sure enjoyed eating it. 

Well, here are the pictures from last night.

This is the headband I wore last night.  Kayden thought it made a pretty nice beard!

Their 9 week old puppy, Jackson

This weekend we had some nice weather, and not just nice as in not raining, but it was a little warm out too.  Now, don't think I"m talking about 70+ degree weather, because this is Seattle after all, but it was warm enough to go outside with a sweatshirt on and not be cold, which is rare around here.

And because we had such nice weather, Kyle decided to take down the Christmas lights and Kayden and I decided to go out there and help him.  Kayden had fun being outside.  He really enjoys being out there and sometimes I think he gets cranky because he is cooped up in the house all day.  We are both really looking forward to spring.

Anyway, here are the pictures from today.  I hope you enjoy them. 

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