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Snow & Ice Storm

We have had some major weather in this neck of the woods lately. It started off with a little bit of snow, then after a couple days of a little snow we got a lot of snow. Some areas around here got 12+ inches. We woke up to about 5 or so inches on Tuesday. And if that wasn't enough to shut our world down, we got an ice storm Wednesday night that completely shut our universe down. Our airport shut down for a while, they couldn't keep the runways free from ice and by the time they got the planes de-iced, they would ice up again. It was a struggle to get airplanes in from other places and there were no planes going out. There have been travelers stuck at the airport and in local hotels for several days.

Yesterday late morning our power went out and in some neighboring cities their power has been out for days. We were fortunate enough to have our power come back on sometime during the night. Thankfully, Cindy and Jim let us camp out at their house and we slept in front of the fire to stay warm. It was nice and toasty.

It is amazing to see all the trees down around our neighborhood and on the news. As far as I know, no one has been seriously injured from the ice or down trees, so we are all thankful for that. Kyle and Jim went out this morning and tried to get as much ice as possible off the branches and trees to help prevent anymore limbs from breaking and hitting a house or anything else. It has been a wild ride around here this week.

Almost all of the schools have closed this whole week. And there is more to come, according to the news. We are suppose to have a wind and rain storm the next couple days, so it might be a while before we can catch a break.

Here are some pictures off all the ice and snow.

This is our bamboo that he have in our backyard.  It seemed like every leaf had a cluster of ice on it.  It was weighed down so much by the ice that it just fell completely over.

Thanks to Dean and Christy we were able to have a delicious, warm meal last night.  Kayden saw Papa eating a leg so he wanted one too.

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