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Pumpkin Patch with Preschool

Today was Kayden's first field trip and it was to the pumpkin patch.  It was fun for the kids.  It started off with exploring the pumpkin patch and then the kids got to pick out a pumpkin, then is was class pictures time and it ended with a hay ride and looking at farm animals. 

We overcame a few meltdowns and muddy falls, but we all left with a pumpkin and a hayride under out belts.

This was their funny face picture.
 Scoping out the different pumpkins.

More funny faces.

 They look so small next to this big tractor.

 I, somehow, didn't get a picture of Emily next to the "How Tall This Fall" banner.
 This is the pumpkin Kayden picked out today. 
Kayden and Emily.  Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the whole class.  Too many adult heads in my way.

This kid sitting next to Kayden on the hay ride was funny.  I was trying to grab Kayden's attention for a picture and the whole time this kid was saying, "cheeeeesssssseeee, cheeeessssseeeee, cheeeeeessssseee".  I don't recognized this kid from Kayden's class either, so he must be with the four year old class.  Made me laugh.

 There was even a cute bear at the pumpkin patch!

The pumpkin patch had its moments, but overall, I think the kids had a good time.  Kayden loved the hay ride, even though his teacher said he grabbed her a few times when it got too bumpy. 

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