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Katie's Kid Marathon

Katie's school was involved with the Seattle Children's Hospital Kids Marathon.

Here is how it worked:

Each child participant would run 25 miles at their school on their recesses starting November 1st.  Then, on a designated day, this year it was November 30th, the kids would run their final 1.2 miles in downtown Seattle with all the other kids that participated from all over. 

Katie finished her 25 miles with one day to spare (and was even sick for a full week in the middle of Nov.) and announced, "I'm so glad I'm done with running, now I can jump rope again!"  She was excited to get to Seattle to run the final 1.2 miles.  She stayed with us the night before and got up at 7:00 am so she could get her gear on and eat breakfast. 

My parents met us at our house and we were off by 8:15, heading to Seattle.

Once we arrived in downtown it was a bit of mayhem.  There were kids, parents, grandparents, and dogs everywhere and I'm so sad to say that I missed Katie at the start AND finish lines, which didn't make me happy.  :(

Katie and her friend from school.  The picture below is her friend, her friends dad and Katie.  Parents/Adults were allowed to run with the kids if they wanted to.  I told Katie I would run with her next year.

The start line.

The kids that completed the marathon went home with a shirt, and a large swag bag full of all kinds of goodies, including an awesome medal. 

I am really proud of Katie.  It takes dedication, commitment and determination to give up your recess so you can run a marathon.  Awesome job, Kate!

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