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Snow Day

Yesterday we got the first, and possibly only, snow fall of the season.  It has been predicted one or twice in the last month or so, but never produced anything, then two nights ago it came and Kayden and I woke up to see a beautiful blanket of snow.  It was awesome, and very short lived.  By early afternoon the rain had started and the snow quickly started to melt.

Thankfully, Kayden and I were able to play in it before it melted. 

 "Hey mom, look at my snow prints."
 Those eyes!

 We visited Nini and he attempted to clear off her porch, but quickly gave up when it proved to be too large of a task.
And we built a snowman, twice.  One Kayden's size and one daddy's size, which Kayden claimed, "Daddy is 400 miles long, so it has to be super big."  Well, ok, Kayden, we will do that. 

With the quickly melting snow, the snowmen didn't last long, they fell over and quickly melted.  All that hard work...melted away. 

Oh, well, we will just have to build another one next time the snow decides to fall.

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