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Santa Parade

After decorating our tree we headed out to see Katie and Ashlie in Sumner's Annual Santa Parade.  The girls have been in it the last few years, here is 2011, the rain prevented me from getting any pictures last year.

This year was by far the coldest, 30 degrees in this neck of the woods and we all could feel it.  And some of the performers were in skimpy clothes, brrrr.

 Kayden thought the music was really bad!

 Ashlie is third from the left.

This kid refused to wear a heavier jacket, ugh, so he really froze!

 I know this picture of Kate is blurry, but it is the only one I got of her, I included it anyway.
 Kayden thought this double decker bus was the coolest.
And I sadly, didn't get a picture of Santa.  We headed back to the car before the parade ended, and although we saw him on our trek back, I didn't get a picture. 

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