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Another First

It has happened, sooner than I thought and sooner than I would have liked, but it happened.  Another first in the Bryant house, and more proof being thrown in my face that Kayden is, indeed, getting older...sadly, we weren't given much notice, Kayden wasn't ready for it either.  As a matter of fact, he cried when we realized it.  Then he balled on Friday when we were sitting outside eating dinner and his tooth fell out, and it bled...bad.  But once we got the bleeding stopped and we got him distracted, he was happy and excited for the Tooth Fairy to come and was thrilled Nini made him a special monster tooth fairy pillow.


He was super happy with what the Tooth Fairy brought him, money and a sucker!  Oh, and she left his tooth, just like he asked.  He didn't want her to keep the tooth, so we wrote her a note asking her to kindly leave it.  So, she did.  Always such a nice Tooth Fairy!

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