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Camp Out

Kayden has never been camping, and well, it's been probably close to a decade since I have gone camping.  It is NOT my cup of tea.  I prefer to have a toilet, running warm water for a shower in the morning, my bed and all the other amenities a home has.  Kyle, however, enjoys camping and wishes to take Kayden some day, and I'll consider the idea, but there are no guarantees! 

Because we have had such warm weather lately, Kyle thought it would be fun to pitch the tent in the backyard and set up camp.  He went all out and pumped up the air mattress, grabbed all the sleeping bags for added padding and to keep warm when the temperatures dip to under 70 degrees and called it camping.  Kayden was super excited and had so much fun helping set up the tent and the air mattress.  I love seeing his excitement show.


The golf club was for the bugs, if they came in the tent Kayden was going to get them!

The boys have really enjoyed the tent.  They spent a couple work nights out there, and I've gotten up to switch spots with Kyle.  It is actually a pretty comfortable set up, and I love that all the amenities of home are just ten feet away!  I imagine they will spend many more summer nights out there throughout the rest of the summer and many more summers to come.

AND on a unrelated matter, I discovered this week Kayden has a loose tooth!  :(  When did he get old enough for a loose tooth?  And actually, he has three loose teeth, one very loose, and two others that are still pretty tight, but loose nonetheless.  My little guy is growing too fast.

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