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Playing WIth the Cousins

Over the weekend Kayden and I went over to my sisters house to have a garage sale.  Kayden had such a fun time playing with my nieces and nephew.  My nephew, Collin, is only 10 months and Kayden just loves him so much, he always is helping Collin out by shoving his pacifier into Collin's mouth.  It is really cute, Kayden doesn't give up until Collin is sucking strong.  LOL

Kayden gets along with my niece, Ashlie, really well also.  She is 4 and LOVES to play in the dirt and plant make believe flowers, so Kayden felt right at home with digging in the dirt.  He had a lot of fun.

My niece Katie wasn't around much over the weekend, but she stopped by once or twice and Kayden just screams when she is around, it is a lot of fun.  He gets so excited to see her.

Here are some pictures of the weekend.

Nephew Collin

Niece Ashlie

Nephew Collin, love this picture

Kayden & Ashlie posing

Kayden & Ashlie playing in dirt

Kayden after playing in the dirt

Thought she'd rinse off in the sprinkler

How cute are they?


  1. Oh my gosh J..all the kids are so darn cute! Looks like they all have so much fun together. Good times....Thanks for sharing the pics. Love ya oxox

  2. They really do have so much fun together!
