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Kayden's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was Kayden's second birthday party and it was a huge hit.  We hired a balloon artist and he did amazing work, the kids just loved him and so did the adults.  The party was cow theme and we had all kinds of cow decorations, it was a lot of fun. 

On top of the balloon artists I also had a cow craft for the kids to do, and they all seemed to really like it.  They were clear plastic tubes that the kids could decorate with cow spots, googlie eyes, pom pom nose and tail.  Once they were done decorating they got to fill them up with kool-aid.  They were a lot of fun.

Once the balloon artist left and the kids were done with their craft it was time for presents, Kayden made out like a bandit.  He got some really cool toys! 

Then it was cake and play time.

Kayden's second birthday was a lot of fun.  He was so good and had so much fun playing with this friends.  I am hoping he is wore out and will sleep in until at least 7 tomorrow!  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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