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Kayden is 2!

Today is Kayden's real birthday and I can't help but to be sad.  I know, it is strange, but I just hate how fast he is growing up, I mean, two already, where did the last year and 11 months go???  It is hard for me to realize it really has been two years, it is just so crazy.

Don't get me wrong, I have loved watching him grow and develop and learn and I am so excited to continue watching him hit each milestone, but deep down, I am saddened to know that he is no longer a baby, but now a toddler!

I was pretty lame today and never really got around to taking many pictures of him and I'm a bit upset about it, but what can I do about it now?  Nothing, so I was able to snap a few pictures of him in his bath tonight, so I'll share those.

We had a nice day today, met Kyle for lunch to start off the birthday celebrations, then tonight, after dinner we went out for ice cream with my mom, Christy, Jim, Kyle and three of Kayden's cousins (Katie, Ashlie and Charlie), it was fun, Kayden loved it and it was a nice end to Kayden's second birthday.  I really wanted to take my camera with us, but totally forgot it, like I said, I'm was lame today!

So, here are the pictures! 

See how big he is getting, he looks too much like a kid now, and no longer a baby.

And in honor of his birthday I thought I'd share a few pictures of him as a newborn.  You can see his newborn post here.

 And here are the pictures we took exactly one year ago today, at his first birthday dinner celebration.  Too fun.  You can check out his birthday post from last year here.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Great Sissy loves you!!!!! :)
