Last year for Kayden's birthday, Nana bought him a new Radio Flyer hot wheel. The weather went sour after his birthday and we never had an opportunity to open it and put it together until last night.
Kayden and I were outside playing yesterday when I saw the box sitting in the garage. I had confidence that I could put it together so I drug it out and opened the box. Got all the pieces out and looked at the instructions. My confidence soon disappeared. I was lost, so I left it where it was and did what any person in my shoes would have done, waited for hubby to get home!
After dinner last night Kyle and Kayden started putting it together. Kayden sure has a lot of fun helping Dad do anything around the house. He loves tools and knows the name to many of them already! He sure doesn't get intimated by manly stuff, that is for sure.
Before Kyle could finish assembling the trike we took a break and headed over to Cindy's for ice cream. Then resumed tricycle building after that and it all went really smooth!
Took a picture of Kayden with his ice cream too, but it didn't turn out so well! Darn. |
After seeing Kayden play on it, I wish we would have opened it sooner. He loves it and already cruises around. He is still a little small for it and can't fully reach the pedals yet, but he can scoot right along in it. We walked up to the mailbox last night while he moved right along side of us wearing a smile the whole time!
I am getting so excited for summer, I sure hope we have a nice one and can get outside to play more often than not. So far we are off to a good start, just hope it stays this way!
Kayden giving Daddy a hug for putting his trike together.
He was sitting on it backwards and using it like a wheelchair. He does this same technique with his dump truck. |
It was so fun to watch him have a good time on it. Thank you, Nana for the great birthday gift!